Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Always Happens

Earlier today I told my husband, "I should go to bed early tonight so that tomorrow will come sooner." 

I love the feeling of anticipation that creeps up on you once you wake up in the morning and realize that something exciting is going to happen because, "_________ is today!"  Christmases, Easters, vacations, moving off to college, the last day of school, and going on the first date with my husband all began with the idea of "let's go to sleep early because I can't wait for it to be tomorrow!"  Unfortunately for me and the disjointed way that my brain is wired, IT NEVER WORKS.  Apparently, I turn into this little boy from the Disneyland commercial.  My parents are visiting tomorrow afternoon after what seems like a very long month.  We're going to look at the house together and they can see their grandson who, all of a sudden, is looking very much like a toddler.  (Eeek!)

As usual though, I'm the only one still awake.  Somehow I always forget to take my vitamins until late at night, so here I am.  Thanks to my auditory learning style (I always wondered how those kinesthetic learners got along, movin' around and acting things out to remember stuff), I've been plagued for the past hour or so with children's early morning tv theme songs running on a loop in my head.  Get out, Imagination Movers! 

One of the songs isn't so bad, actually, since I've recently fallen in love with the PBSKids show Dinosaur Train.  Little Dinobaby isn't really into television yet, as he shouldn't be, but putting something on for half an hour in the morning helps me get at least 2.5 meals a day!  He's pretty uninterested in Dinosaur Train, but I think it's the cutest kid's show I've ever seen.  For one, it's actually educational.  In just one episode I learned all about a type of pterosaur (flying reptile, also, NERD ALERT!) named Quetzalcoatlus whose wing span was 40 feet across!  Plus, the little dinosaur family on the show is made up of children who aren't snotty or sassy to each other or their parents and parents who kindly discipline and obviously love their kids.  On a sidenote, it allows me to relive my late-elementary school days.  I had a friend named Colin and for a good couple of years we would go back and forth with, "No, YOU can be the paleobotanist.  I'LL be the paleontologist."  "No, I'm going to be the paleontologist and YOU can work with me."  I believe he's now a professionally trained classical guitarist, so neither of us were right.

I'm finally off to bed, but I have to share my inner soundbite.
Dinosaur Train Theme

Oh, and please ignore the dino-centric theme as of late.  I'm honestly not going to make it a regular thing, I promise. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got to spend some time with your parents and I can't wait to hear what they thought of everything.
    ...and I rather kind-of like the dino theme!

    (Btw, it took me about 8 tries to post a comment. You might consider allowing less strict credentials. :) )
